
Dynamic languages tools

Link: http://blogs.activestate.com/ericp/2007/01/kid_adding_a_ne.html

I got a CD with Komodo Edit on it at XTech, but haven't tried it until now. The recent open-sourcing of the code, and then this post appeared on Planet Mozilla.

It looks like it would be good for DSL development, and playing with it Komodo Edit seems to be very usable. My current editor of choice is SciTE, which Komodo Edit embeds, but Komodo Edit gives projects, and language aware autocompletion and navigation (go to the definition of a function). I haven't found out if it's possible to go to definitions in other files, which would be very useful - I spend quite a lot of time doing Ctrl-C,Ctrl-O,[filename],Ctrl-F,Ctrl-V,Enter to jump around a JavaScript project. It also does polyglot programming - a simple XUL file with a script element switches nicely from XML highlighting to JavaScript highlighting in the script element's content.

The user defined language tool is lexer + state machine based; I'd have preferred it to be a packrat based one, which I've played with before. But I don't want to have to write a whole IDE, I like using the Scintilla editor control, and Komodo's approach seems to get the job done.

As a side note, del.icio.us seems awfully slow these days. You'd have though that Yahoo would be able to give it a couple more servers. I wonder if the competitors are any better.

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Back to the Rats

Since it came up again in LtU, and I was thinking about it after Burning Chrome mentioned parsers for syntax highlighting, I was at Henry S. Thompson's seminar on XML schema validation (which is essentially a similar problem to parser design), then Brenden Eich mentioned Narcissus in his closing session at XTech I've been playing with a packrat parser written in JavaScript.

I started again 7pm on Thursday during XTech*, and spent most the night on it, then did more on it on Saturday at BarCamp Amsterdam. Current work in progress is in this directory, with a simple demo which parses a definition of the grammar used to define grammars, then creates divs to render it prettily in the iframe. The grammar below the iframe is the grammar used to parse what's in the iframe, and below it are debug messages. Editing what's in the iframe causes events to mark it dirty, but the incremental reparsing doesn't work yet.

The next stage is to add the incremental reparsing, so when you do edit it it tries to reparse, and to link that to the divs so that you don't have to throw away all of the content of a div when you reparse it, as at present.

The Triep stuff is a combination of Trie with predicates that was another idea for incremental parsing taylored for interactive development. I'm going to add some form of trie to the parse states for autocompletion, though I may go back to using a standard trie as the calculus for the predicates is tricky, and reusing the packrat grammar may mean it's not needed.

One thing about using PackRat using the visitor pattern (or any other tree-walking recursive descent), is that you don't need to convert the grammar into a finite state machine, which means that while Henry S. Thompson's handling of numerical constraints is an elegant solution, the problem simply doen't exist - you can simply put the counter in a for-loop in the visitor's method, and you're done. The parser doesn't do that since most text grammar don't require it - it only handles zeroOrMore, oneOrMore or zeroOrOne, but nToM would be handled in much the same as those, and I don't know in principal why you couldn't use tree-walking descent for XML - my ASN XER to Java data bindings used exactly that approach, and that's a superset of WXD.


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