
More kin musings

Back from finishing a contract in Malvern, and have had a few ideas on kin.

If general allocation is monomorphic arrays in column order, then single object representation is just a stride of 1 and a length of 1, and padded as required.

Assumption is that the code will operate on arrays, so compiler should default to vector ops where possible.

Need some basic constructs before starting, including mono and poly VLists, and a base lisp-like language to write the parser in.

Problem is that it's easiest to built an interpreter on a higher level language, such as Java, but the reasons I'm looking at kin - such as SIMD and cache optimisations, pattern matching and relations - aren't available in Java.

Also, I'm getting more and more convinced that polymorphic references should be pairs rather than as in C++ and Java.

The big issue I'm having is that each time I think how to do something, I write it in kin, then can't be bothered to write it in C or NASM.

Starting with the string type, I end up finding there's only a couple of functions which are needed over seq<uint8>, and those are easier to specify in kin than code up in C. No points are performance critical - or rather, no points can be written faster in C than in kin.

So I will try to define a metacircular kin interpreter, and work out where the smallest subset lies.

Also, for my specific interest of event driven simulations, I'd been thinking about pushing events forward for handling collisions. This requires that updates on event don't change the pre-event state, but perform copy-on-modify, as the pre-event state is also used to derive the intermediate event state. If you do modify it, then the best you can do is say 'there was a collision in the time step', and you have to keep the time step short enough that it doesn't matter when the collision occured within it.

I'm trying to think where C++ style identity tied to memory is useful; usually it's a premature optimisation, causing inconsistent states if you're not careful with the visibility of an update to a simulation entity after an event (the work I was doing up to November suffered from this, but that architectural decision was made before I joined that team). In C++ it's hard to work out how to create a 'make an updated copy' operation which doesn't perform redundant copying. It either involves writing a constructor which is aware of the update operation (causing slicing issues if the update is polymorphic) or requiring redundant initialisation if you use something like:

void entity::update_kinematics (double time_step) {
position += (velocity + 0.5 * acceleration * time_step) * time_step;
velocity += acceleration * time_step;

// create a copy of previous step's state
entity* updated = new entity(*previous);

// update it
updated->update_kinematics (time_step);
// store it in the active entities list for the new time

Then all the updated entities go into the collision detection routine, and any collisions are handled before the next interaction stage, where acceleration is recalculated. If there is a collision, then a new time event is added before the current time step, so that the interactions due to the collision can be worked on, the collision is handled in some other way. Then any other interactions are handled, based on the positions (or trajectories) at the current time, and then the actors can updated their intentions based on the sensing done in the interaction phase. Each time there's a copy-on-write going on, so, for example, if aircraft X decides to shut its radar off at time t1, the radar emmision is still visible along its trajectory from time t0 to t1, and any other actors can sense it and respond.

For a 6DoF vector position and velocity, the cost of writing the data twice isn't that great, but for larger structures it can be. Maybe some sort of copy-on-write at the language level, and an escape analysis for whether to use that or mutable structures. That would of course need an experiment to see if copy-on-write costs more than mutability though; it does for large structures, but not always for smaller ones.

How this relates to the sort of purely functional data structures described by Chris Okasaki I've yet to think.

Other things I've been thinking of - modelling actors as state-machine transducers, implemented as coroutines (see this paper for some inspiration) using trace-based code generator. The problem is that coroutines fit well with transducers and the style of event-driven actor programming I would like to express, and also with mostly sequence based processing, but not with the VM implementations I'm familiar with (or C++ coding, especially RAII). Actors accept a set of values, and also yield symbols, or accept a different symbol.

For example, a translator from UTF-8 to Unicode codepoints would accept a variable number of uint8 values for each uint32 value it produces:

# Convert UTF-8 string to a sequence of Unicode codepoints
codepoints (str:string) : seq<uint32> =>
yield str -> (x0:uint8) =>
if ((x0 & 0x80) == 0) then
yield uint32(x0)
accept (x1:uint8) where ((x1 & 0xc0) == 0x80) # UTF-8 encoding valid
if ((x0 & 0xe0) == 0xc0) then # 2 byte sequence
yield (uint32(x0 & 0x1f) << 6) | uint32(x1 & 0x3f)
accept (x2:uint8) where ((x2 & 0xc0) == 0x80) # UTF-8 encoding valid
if ((x0 & 0xf0) == 0xe0) then # 3 byte sequence
yield (uint32(x0 & 0x0f) << 12) | (uint32(x1 & 0x3f) << 6) | uint32(x2 & 0x3f)
else # 4 byte sequence
assert ((x0 & 0xf8) == 0xf0) # UTF-8 encoding valid

accept (x3:uint8) where ((x3 & 0xc0) == 0x80) # UTF-8 encoding valid
yield (uint32(x0 & 0x07) << 18) | (uint32(x1 & 0x3f) << 12) |
(uint32(x2 & 0x3f) << 6) | uint32(x3 & 0x3f)

My lower-level implementation experience is only with fairly procedural languages, such as Java byte code or conventional use of assembly, so translating this to code that runs is a bit interesting; it sort of goes round in circles - if I already had a language which worked on the accept/yield principles (with enough control to create SIMD code and column-ordered VLists), then creating a parser and an interpreter would be easier.

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